Monday, December 13, 2010

Startrek is Real I Knew it All Along

Beam me up Scotty!  Check this article out:

One particularly interesting clipping from this article:

The researchers read the "blueprints" of the photons they wanted to teleport. They then broke up the photons into smaller particles called quantum bits and sent these bits, along with the blueprints, through a fiber-optic cable in a sewage pipe under the river.

At the other end, replicas of the original photons were created. The original photons ceased to exist once the replicas were created.

Once again modern technology is borrowing from science fiction.  Think of the possibilities.  The instantaneous transfer of information revolutionized our modern era.  Implementing the instantaneous transfer of items would be a completely different revolution.  Shipping would be obsolete.  Aid could be warped around the globe at the press of a button and save millions of lives.  Or what if people could utilize this technology?  Zip off to London for lunch and be back to school in State College in time for your 2pm class.  Maybe not in our lifetime, but in our grandkids?  I'd make the long bet that it'll happen.

Strange Inventions

So I ran out of technological improvements on the scientific websites I was looking through so ran a web search for strange inventions.  I found this sight full of odd, Japanese inventions:

While I thought some of these were really wacky and only useful in certain scenarios, they all required thorough understanding of a specific need.  Take the "ever ready tissues" for example.  The inventor evidently decided on a straightforward solution to his runny nose problems.

Having lived in a studio apartment all semester, I have often been designing solutions to problems that I've been having around the house.  These solutions, like the cardboard dish drain or the homemade styrafoam trashcan saved me time and money that I would have spent at the store buying these things.  So I have great respect for the Japanese inventor, trying to solve his or her problems in creative ways.

Magic Box!

Magic Box!  Not only is it a box... it's magic!  Magic box starts as an ordinary, run of the mill box.  But upon closer inspection, the magic box is much, much more.  It starts as a towable box of ordinary dimensions (looks to be ~3x3x4 feet) and opens up into a desk, chest of drawers, stool, and a chair/bed. Check it:

I've always found it really cool when you can fit a lot of functionality into a really small or compact area.  Like those brothers who built that cabin in the mountains that we saw in class that one day.  They fit a TON of stuff into that little shack - so much so that it made me want to go out and build one myself.  But I digress... this little fold-up room looks like something out of a transformers movie.  It just goes to show you that if you can build a lot of functionality into a product it will make it that much more appealing to a consumer.

Earth Homes

As I was perusing the annals of I came across an interesting site about people who build homes that are virtually one with the Earth.  These "Earth Homes" as they're called (really clever, I know) look as though they're something straight out of Tolkein's "Lord of the Rings".  Moreover, they're more affordable than traditional homes and considered a "greener" way to live.  If that wasn't enough, these Earth Homes stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter.  There's more!  They also have less parasites, rodents, and mildew than your traditional homes (if built properly) and ventilate really well.  If you're surfing through the 407 blogs late into finals week (as I'm sure we all have been) check them out!  I definitely want to build a Hobbit Home for myself one day but for now I'll just dream about it...

Cyborg Beetles

Have you ever stopped and looked at a fly whizzing around the room and wondered how they were capable of achieving such remarkable speed and agility with such a limited amount of energy?  Well so did a bunch of scientists in attempting to build a miniature robotic house fly. 

How They Do it:
To achieve this amazing speed, the fly makes use of complex biomechanics. Its wings are not directly attached to the muscles of the thorax. Rather the fly tenses and relaxes the muscles in rhythmic cycles that cause the thorax itself to change shape. That deformation in turn sets the wings to oscillating, much the way a tuning fork vibrates after having been struck. In this way, the fly manages to convert a tiny bit of energy into a whole lot of motion with very little effort. (source:

Unfortunately, scientists have been unable to meet energy requirements for these miniature flying robots as conventional batteries are incapable of storing enough to power their movements for more than a few minutes.  One day, perhaps, batteries will be efficient enough on a small enough scale to support these remarkable little robots.  Applications are numerous, including using the little flying beetle robots to infiltrate enemy holdouts and perform safe reconnaissance sweeps of dangerous area.

Alien Bacteria on Earth

I know this isn't particularly new technology, but this new lifeform found in a California lake could have a tremendous impact on modern technology.  This new bacteria can use arsenic, which is usually poisonous to life, as one of its key nutrient elements.

"Life will find a way" seems to be a fitting phrase to describe most "extremophiles", those bacteria that thrive in the most inhospitable locations on the planet (lava vents under water or in "sulfur caverns").  But this Arsenic based lifeform makes the extremeophiles seem like wimps.  This new bacteria leaves open the possibility of other nutrient combinations that make up entirely different kinds of biological activity. Life as we know it, then, might not be all there is—for either terrestrial or extraterrestrial biology.  This discovery gives promise to the existence of alien life.

Clean Energy - Photosynthetic Alternatives

Researchers at MIT are trying to determine applicability of plants ability to transform solar energy into chemical energy for meeting growing global energy needs.  Fossil fuels are unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you view risks associated with them) a limited resource.  As such, we must constantly be looking for alternative sources of energy. 

This innovative design focuses on utilizing "chromophores" to influence light harvest efficiency.  Specifically:

"stacks of chromophore disks could be tuned to improve the overall efficiency by combining multiple disks of similar size [using] different combinations of bridges, acceptors and donors. One particular configuration of two disks comprising bridges and acceptors stacked between disks made entirely of donors is a good candidate for designing artificial light-harvesting devices"

Given the ability to withdraw a seemingly unlimited amount of energy from the sun would make "oil wars" in the Middle East obsolete.  This would definitely have a tremendous impact on global politics and the way we use energy.

Real Superheros

Not just the stuff childish debates over which superpower would be cooler (flying would definitely win in my opinion).  The ability to turn invisible is now the cutting edge of scientific discovery.  Here's a brief description of how it works:

"For a far more advanced approach, consider investing in a cloak made from metamaterials, tiny structures smaller than the wavelength of light. If properly constructed, such a cloak would actually guide rays of visible light around an object -- much like a rock diverting water in a stream."

The applications here are endless.  Whether its elite super-spys infiltrating dangerous terrorist cells or fourteen year olds spying on the girl's locker-room, the invisibility cloak has your back.  Now all scientists need to do is build a superman cape that will allow you to fly.

Get Fit

For all of you who have seen this video:

Comes the newest "fitness" invention.  Introducing the Wii Pushup Bar:

Not only is the demo video arguably more hilarious than the spoof video (posted first), it makes a laughable case for actually purchasing the product.  Despite the obvious faults with the product, I do approve of the direction that the Wii Fit has taken the video game industry.  Tricking kids into exercise while they play they're videogames is a step in the right direction to curb the childhood obesity trends in America.  Hopefully sometime in the future a product will be developed that is a more practical way to make kids want to exercise.  However, I've always thought that there is no substitute to playing outside...

Universal Gripper

Here's an awesome new innovation that my brother stumbleupon'd the other day:

What's remarkable about this device is that it capable of picking up any object, regardless of shape or consistency.  Here's what they have to say about it:

"The gripper uses the same phenomenon that makes a vacuum--packed bag of ground coffee so firm; in fact, ground coffee worked very well in the device. But the researchers found a new use for this everyday phenomenon: They placed the elastic bag against a surface and then removed the air from the bag, solidifying the ground coffee inside and forming a tight grip. When air is returned to the bag, the grip relaxes."

Immediate applications of this device appear to be tradeshow gimmicks, sideshow attractions, or wacky Christmas presents.  But more long term applications of the Universal Gripper could be handling dangerous items or a variety of other uses where human contact may be limited and traditional handling methods are inefficient.  What a wacky world we live in.

Clean Air

... imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, 'This is an interesting world I find myself in - an interesting hole I find myself in - fits me rather neatly, doesn't it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, must have been made to have me in it!' This is such a powerful idea that as the sun rises in the sky and the air heats up and as, gradually, the puddle gets smaller and smaller, it's still frantically hanging on to the notion that everything's going to be alright, because this world was meant to have him in it, was built to have him in it; so the moment he disappears catches him rather by surprise. Douglas Adams
It is a common misconception that as humans, we have inherited the Earth.  Unfortunately for us, this planet has been here long before us and will remain long after we are gone (provided we don't blow it up).  This article by popular science describes efforts undertaken by scientists to sample air of a quality that existed before the Industrial Revolution.  It's remarkable that we have to travel to one of the most remote rainforests on the planet and climb high above the canopy to even get a tiny sample of uncontaminated air.  Hopefully as a people we will endeavor to clean up the environment and help preserve this planet.  After all, we only have one!