Monday, December 13, 2010

Strange Inventions

So I ran out of technological improvements on the scientific websites I was looking through so ran a web search for strange inventions.  I found this sight full of odd, Japanese inventions:

While I thought some of these were really wacky and only useful in certain scenarios, they all required thorough understanding of a specific need.  Take the "ever ready tissues" for example.  The inventor evidently decided on a straightforward solution to his runny nose problems.

Having lived in a studio apartment all semester, I have often been designing solutions to problems that I've been having around the house.  These solutions, like the cardboard dish drain or the homemade styrafoam trashcan saved me time and money that I would have spent at the store buying these things.  So I have great respect for the Japanese inventor, trying to solve his or her problems in creative ways.

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